
  I still brace myself for the blow. Unseen scares remind me of all the places I’ve been, telling me when I had gotten too close to the flame once again, but whether I closed my eyes and deflect my pain, or I choose to look deeper to find what is eroding some piece of my soul, depends largely on where I am in my journey. I can understand why I couldn’t look too close at many of my truths in my younger years. I still wince when trying to look at some of them now. Some of them are a lot like tearing open my heart to take a peek. Yet, I have learned the hard way not to leave them buried. Buried wounds only fester. Fstering wounds have a way of rising to the surface at the most inopportune times. Namely, when you’re right in the middle of some new pain that just  proved you had not laid that last one to rest after all. Some of my wounds took too many years to close. The frustrating part is when I come to realize that I am still harboring some deep seated rage over something I’d thought
  In a small town nestled between rolling hills and whispering woods, there lived a woman named Clara. In her early thirties, Clara had always felt a deep yearning to express herself, but it wasn't until she faced a life-altering event that she found her true voice. After the passing of her mother, Clara was engulfed by a mixture of grief, anger, and confusion. In the aftermath, she discovered a passion for writing, a tool for processing her tumultuous emotions. Clara started a blog titled "Raw Truths," where she committed to sharing her unfiltered thoughts and experiences. The first post, titled "The Day the Light Went Out," described the moment she lost her mother. Words flowed from her like a river, carving out the pain and sorrow that had long been buried inside. She wrote candidly about the fear of losing a loved one, the isolation that grief can bring, and the struggle to find meaning in the chaos. As she shared her journey, Clara found solace in the conne